VM won’t vMotion on Nutanix Cluster – Error: msg.vmk.status.VMK_BUSY


Had an issue where a VM would not migrate to another node within the Nutanix cluster, getting this error message after about 21%.

Migration to host <> failed with error msg.vmk.status.VMK_BUSY (195887108).
vMotion migration [-1407287005:1461064336904335] remotecall returned Busy
vMotion migration [-1407287005:1461064336904335] failed: remote host <>> failed with status Busy.
File is being locked by a consumer on host NTNX-14SM6111111-A with exclusive lock.
vMotion migration [-1407287005:1461064336904335] failed to initialize a valid destination swapfile: Busy.
Failed waiting for data. Error 195887108. Busy.

To resolve this I used: https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1031636 even though this is for version 4.x this worked for VMware 5.5.

On the host under advanced settings change this setting:

Migrate.VMotionResolveswaptype = 1

Change the value to 0 on the problem host and the host you are migrating to, you can set it back to 1 again once the migration has completed.