Storing Terraform State on AWS S3 Bucket (including AWS DynamoDB for State Locking)

Building upon the example Simple Terraform Docker Example (Ubuntu Linux), we’ll store our Terraform State in AWS S3 Bucket, rather than just locally on the machine running Docker. Yes, I know its not a very useful example, but it simply illustrates the mechanism and how it can be used for more useful and complex deployments. Storing […]


VMware Ansible – Getting Started Examples

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is managing infrastructure using a DevOps type methodology. Where the current configuration of your infrastructure is represented in code, any additions, changes or deletions are also made through this code. There are various methods to codify your infrastructure, some proprietary like AWS Cloudformation, others are generic like Ansible or Terraform. The […]


Python Virtual Environment

A very quick overview of how you can use Python virtual environments. Install the Virtual Environment First install the virtual environment. Create the Virtual Environment Let’s say I have a project called “python-static-site”, so we’ll create the virtual environment within this project directory along with all the source files. The second argument is the […]


Using Gitlab CI/CD to Manage Configuration (e.g. Apache2) – Part 2

Assuming you’ve read and followed part 1, now on part 2 we’ll get our SSH keys created, and the gitlab-runner registered with gitlab as a “runner” so we can create our pipeline. Configuring the SSH Keys for Gitlab-Runner To make the local gitlab-runner on your machine have the correct keys, you need to generate them […]
