DNSSEC Explained (with AWS Route53 Hosted Zone Example)

DNS name resolution is essential to modern connectivity. The ability for hosts to be able to quickly and reliably resolve DNS domain names (e.g. www.google.com) to their IP address equivalents (e.g. or 2a00:1450:4009:827::2004) to connect and consume services ensures consistent and performant network flows. Due to the essential nature of DNS, DNSSEC is an addition […]


Create a Network Association to an External IP Address or IP Range (i.e. an IP address that is not “yours”

If you need to create an A record that points at a IP in a range that does not belong to you, for example and AWS IP; you need to first create a Network Association so that non-yours IP Address or IP Range can be referred to by a DNS domain we hold the forwards […]


Create or Update TXT Record in InfoBlox API using Python Libraries

A very short introduction into using Python and the InfoBlox Python libraries to interact with the REST API to give you a starting point for development. https://sifbaksh.com/introduction-to-infoblox-api-wapi-using-python/ The easiest approach is to use the InfoBlox-Client library in Python, it is possible to use “requests” and then parse the output, but this approach seems a bit […]


Dell Openmanage DNS Records for Server Initiated Discovery (with Microsoft DNS)

OpenManage Enterprise version 3.4 allows automatic discovery of servers that have iDRAC firmware version or later. The appliance can be configured to allow these servers to automatically locate the console by querying the DNS and initiate their discovery. The instructions (and this) give the use of the TUI or manual creation for Dell Openmanage […]
