
Hello and welcome to my website. My website is a place for all those interested in Information Technology, Computing and future (green) technologies. Its a place for the sharing of information and knowledge on these subjects, sometimes this will be just my own commentary, other times detailed technical information and guides to help you complete tasks especially when in certain situations nobody else seems to have written up how to do something and published it on-line.

I try to keep everything up to date and ensure I publish information and guides that work (or have worked for me) sometimes these will be complete and other times they will be incomplete but hopefully will give you the information you are using for. If you have any comments, suggestions or materials to improve please let me know!

About Me

I’m an experienced and tenacious IT infrastructure engineer with a wide range of skills across a number of technologies, a big picture view with experience of working within business, research and education.

I work to challenge the status-quo, allowing me to drive operational effectiveness and service delivery through improvements leveraging information technologies, their implementation and develop those who maintain them. I describe myself as a pragmatic technologist: using technologies where they are best suited in a way to deliver the best results. I achieve this through keeping up to date with the latest technological developments to allow me to select and implement information technology solutions to assist an organisation in reaching its goals while reducing costs but maintaining agility.

Social Media

Published Articles and Case Studies

Engineering Council Chartered Engineer (CEng) Case Study – Tristan Self MSc BSc (Hons) CEng MIET

T802 Research Project – TMA30 – IPv6: Identifying the critical factors to assist in building a successful business case for adoption (2015)

The above “OAKCloud” pilot was the organisation’s first real attempt at using the “cloud” all the way back in 2014. It was primarily an IaaS deployment to determine if and how IaaS (and cloud computing more widely could be used in the sector.

Code and Snippets

Nagios Exchange – geekmungus

Github – tristanhself
