Sometimes a tape will be marked as suspect, seemingly for no reason. To resolve this you need to do the follow these instructions to first identify the MediaID of the suspect tape against its Barcode. Then mark it as normal (i.e. not suspect).
Remember great care should be taken when editing the Microsoft DPM database, ensure you have a working backup of the DPM database before making any changes to it.
Ensure there is a backup of the SQL database for DPM. In SQL Query analyser:
First run a query of the tapes to get a list of suspect tapes:
select MediaId
FROM [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia]
WHERE IsSuspect = 1
You can join this with the other table to match up the IsSuspect field:
SELECT [BarcodeValue], [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia].[MediaID]
FROM [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_Media]
ON [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia].[MediaID]=[DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_Media].[MediaID]
WHERE IsSuspect = 1
This gives you all the suspect tapes. Then to query for that one duff tape by the MediaID.
select *
FROM [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia]
WHERE IsSuspect = 1
Lets say you want to mark tape mediaID = 6A146B3C-3DC9-4711-AF1D-9E826AF7979C as not suspect. In this case:000209L4 Like this:
select *
FROM [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia]
WHERE IsSuspect = 1 AND MediaID = '6A146B3C-3DC9-4711-AF1D-9E826AF7979C'
To double check it. Then update the issuspect field with this:
UPDATE [DPMDB].[dbo].[tbl_MM_ArchiveMedia]
SET IsSuspect = 0
WHERE IsSuspect = 1 AND MediaID = '6A146B3C-3DC9-4711-AF1D-9E826AF7979C'