Failover Internet Connection Using IP SLA Tracking and EIGRP Routing for Inter-Site Links

I’m only going to show the juicy bits of the config. I.e. the bits that refer to the routing, EIGRP or IP SLA stuff. A user at Site A in normal use should see two default routes to the Internet, one being their local default route, and then the Site B default route, with a […]


Enable Wake On Lan Across VLAN on Cisco Network

Wake on LAN packets do not traverse routers (normally) so you need to configure your network to do this. There are some security implications you need to be aware of first, Cisco’s document on it is a good read: Also download Solarwinds Free Wake On LAN tool, its a good one to use to test […]


Relational Theory (E-R Model to SQL Conversion) – Relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many)

This post details about relational theory relationships. I’ve struggled to find on the Internet any decent explanations of what these are in simplistic terms which are degree/masters degree level, and not primary school or PhD examples! I’ll introduce the types of relationship, with some simple examples showing how the relational theory of relationships is actually […]


Compass ProSolution 9.2 PowerShell Task Error

After the upgrade to ProSolution 9.2, I found that the tasks we ran which used PowerShell with the ProSolution Worker Service failed with the following error message: Error:  – System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSnapInException: An error occurred when loading the system Windows PowerShell Snap-Ins. Please contact Microsoft Support Services. —> System.Management.Automation.PSArgumentException: Unable to access Windows PowerShell PowerShellEngine registry information. […]
