Compass ProAchieve Web Upgrade 5.2.0 to 5.2.1


After the upgrade you may find that the Windows Authentication has stopped working.

To fix this you need to performing the following steps: (This is for Windows 2008 R2 with IIS 7.5)

1. Open IIS Manager.

2.Click on the ProAchieve website, then click on Authentication, ensure the following settings are set:

Anonymous Authentication = Disabled

ASP.NET Impersonation = Enabled

Basic Authentication = Disabled

Digest Authentication = Disabled

Forms Authentication = Disabled

Windows Authentication = Enabled

(You may also check for Windows Authentication, that the “Providers” on the right hand side is set to NTLM first, instead of Negociate.)

3. Then go to the ProAchieveWeb application within the site, and configure the settings as below:

Anonymous Authentication = Disabled

ASP.NET Impersonation = Enabled

Basic Authentication = Disabled

Digest Authentication = Disabled

Forms Authentication = Disabled

Windows Authentication = Enabled

(You may also check for Windows Authentication, that the “Providers” on the right hand side is set to NTLM first, instead of Negociate.)

4. Restart IIS or your server, you should now find that the Windows Authentication is working. If you do still have problems ensure your site is in the trusted sites list on your web browser, and that ProGeneral is configured to have Windows Authentication turned on for the user, and the user has access to the website.