After Upgrading to DPM 2012 SP1 SQL Maintenance Tasks are Inaccessible

PROBLEM: Using Microsoft DPM 2012 SP1 with the locally installed SQL 2008 R2 SP2 instance (i.e. the one that DPM installs) once installed, you can’t get into the Maintenance tasks using SQL Management Studio. Clicking on Maintenance Tasks gives you an error: The task with the name “Task Name XXX” and the creation name “Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DbMaintenanceFileXXXTask, […]


DPM Reporting Broken after an Upgrade to New Hardware

PROBLEM: You upgraded DPM after the upgrade you can click to run any reports in “Reporting” within the DPM console and you get an error like the following: Cannot open database “DPMDB” requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user ‘%servername%\DPMR$%servername%. CAUSE: The account ‘%servername%\DPMR$%servername%. doesn’t have the correct mappings for the […]


After Upgrading to DPM 2012 SP1 SQL Maintenance Tasks are Inaccessible

PROBLEM: Using Microsoft DPM 2012 SP1 with the locally installed SQL 2008 R2 SP2 instance (i.e. the one that DPM installs) once installed, you can’t get into the Maintenance tasks using SQL Management Studio. Clicking on Maintenance Tasks gives you an error: The task with the name “Task Name XXX” and the creation name “Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DbMaintenanceFileXXXTask, […]


The System Administrator Has Set Policies to Prevent This Installation – Windows 2012

Error: Error: “The System Administrator Has Set Policies to Prevent This Installation”, when trying to install a software.” When trying to install an MSI on a server. Solution Browse the registry to HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer  Create: DisableMSI       Type: REG_DWORD  value = 0   (0 should allow you to install it was originally 1) Install […]


KMS Activation Fails with Insufficient Activations

PROBLEM: 0xC004F038 The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator. CAUSE: Firstly KMS will not activate anything until it has seen at least 5 clients attempt to activate, so if you have activated less than […]



A server that is not a domain controller has gone for a burton, the whole server is a melted heap, or is gently rocking back and forth in the corner muttering about its childhood. You need to restore the whole server. I’m assuming at this point you have a replacement server you can use, this […]
