When setting up your APC Management card (this includes the ATS Devices) you need to configure the IAS policy as follows. I’m assuming you know the basics of configuring a RADIUS device this is specifically how to get administrative privileges for users logging into the Management card. Without these additional settings, the user will get in but only with read-only rights.
Open the NPS Console, expand Policies, Network Policies, right click the policy and click Properties.
Under the conditions tab you need to enter these settings:
User groups: < Security Group Name >
Client Friendly Name: < enter a string to match the name >
Click the Settings tab, then perform the following steps:
1. Under “Radius Attributes” then click “Standard” and then click “Add”
2. Select “Service-Type” from the list, then under the “Others” drop down select “Administrative”, then OK.
3. Under “Radius Attributes” then click “Vendor Specific” and then click “Add”
4. Now select “Custom” from the Vendor dropdown and then click on “Vendor-Specific” and then click on “Add…”
5. Now on the “Attribute Information” screen you need to click on “Add…”
6. On the “Vendor-Specific Attribute Information” dialog, select the “Enter Vendor Code” radio button and type in: “318.”
7. Select the “Yes, it confirms” radio button, then click on “Configure Attribute..”
8. Enter “1” in the “Vendor-Assigned Attribute Number” box, select “Decimal” from the “Attribute Format”, then enter the “Attribute Value” of “1”, then click on OK.
9. Save all the settings, then test it from the UPS management card, you should find you can log on and get administrative privileges.