Check (Not Directly Accessible) SSL Certificate Expiry on Microsoft Windows Server

NagiosXI and other monitoring tools have ways to determine if your SSL certificates on say a web server are nearing expiry, but what if you have software that uses a certificate but that certificate is not directly poll-able over the standard HTTPS checks. The script which can be found here, is a passive check, so […]


Create or Update TXT Record in InfoBlox API using Python Libraries

A very short introduction into using Python and the InfoBlox Python libraries to interact with the REST API to give you a starting point for development. The easiest approach is to use the InfoBlox-Client library in Python, it is possible to use “requests” and then parse the output, but this approach seems a bit […]


Clone Windows 10 PC OS Disk to SAMBA Server (Synology NAS) using Clonezilla Live

I’ve used Clonezilla a few times in the past, its a quick and convenient way to replace a hard disk (e.g. upgrading from a spinning rust disk to an SSD) in your machine without needing to rebuild the OS from scratch. But Clonezilla can also be used to clone the disk to an image, as […]


Remove Black Stripes Down Either Side of Monitor Output – USB32VGAPRO

A quick and effective way to get additional desktop space is to use a USB Graphics Adapter, in my case I used the Star Tech USB32VGAPRO. It supports a good range of resolutions but in my case I wanted to use 1680×1050 which is the same as my in-built graphics resolution outputs at. However when […]


Monitoring PSU Status on Hardware Kemp Load Master (or ECS Connection Manager)

We recently deployed some hardware Kemp ECS Connection Managers (which are designed to front the Dell ECS storage platform), however we were a bit dismayed to see there was no way to monitor the hardware status via GUI, SNMP or the Rest API. We had this issue raised after we had a PSU failure occur […]


APC ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) AP4421 Data Centre Expert Shows “Transfer DDF Failed”

Using Data Centre/Center Expert and adding an APC ATS switch, even though the configuration was correct, FTP was enabled and the relevant settings set for SNMP for the relevant IP addresses the following error is observed in the Data Centre Expert “Device status may be inaccurate due to attempt to transfer DDF failed”. After much […]
