A trial licence is fine for testing some stuff, but if you need to remove it, for example when it causes you issues in a stack when the master thinks it on perimeter, but the backup is not.
Remove Licence (Option 1)
debug epm clear trial-license
Remove Licence (Option 2)
debug licMgr disable DEF-EVAL-PRMR
debug licMgr uninstall feature DEF-EVAL-PRMR
Verify Current Licence
show license
show license slot X
Removing Stacking Licence Level
unconfigure stacking slot 4 license-level
Here is an example, Slot 1 in this case had “Advanced Edge” we needed that to be removed. To do this perform the following steps:
Slot-1 switchstack1.26 # clear license-info
Are you sure you want to clear license information stored in EEPROM? (y/N) Yes
A reboot is required before the clear license takes effect.
Slot-1 switchstack1.26 # show licenses slot all
Slot Enabled License Effective License Feature Packs
—- ———————— ———————— ————————
1 Edge Edge None
2 Edge Edge None
3 Edge Edge None
4 Edge Edge None
5 Edge Edge None