Nagios NSClient++ Access Denied Error on Installation

I have the following problem when trying to install nsclient++ onto a Windows 2003 Server SP2 (note this is a member server). Using a local administrator account on the server trying to install the install completes but the service does not get registered trying to manually register gives this error: C:\Program Files\NSClient++\nsclient++ -install e NSClient++.cpp(212) […]


Join or ReJoin A Member Server or Workstation using Netdom Command Line

The * means prompt for a password. Example Okay say you have a member server that has fallen off the domain, but you don’t want to go through the normal procedure of using “My Computer”->”Computer Name” and then disjoining to a WORKGROUP rebooting, then re-joining to the domain and rebooting again. Note: You need to […]


How to remove an old long gone DHCP server from Active directory and DHCP on Windows 2003.

Open ADSI edit. Configuration-> Services- > NetServices Checked the properties of: CN=DhcpRoot Then edited this attribute: dhcpServers There was one server listed in there: i172.17.5.1$$0x00000000$$ This was the one that seemed to be left hanging around. Took a note of the settings just incase then deleted it and clicked “OK” to apply the settings. Checked […]
