Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 Mailbox Move Fails with “Error: Property Expression Isn’t Valid

We were moving our mailbox from our old Exchange 2003 server to a new Exchange 2010 server, we moved the vast majority of people no problems, however there were about 10 or so users who we had this error with. Problem: “Property expression <blah> isn’t valid. Valid values are: …..” Now the user’s mailbox on […]


Delays to outgoing messages from Exchange 2003 using Postfix MTA

Was getting the problem that mails were being delayed from Exchange when sending outbound via a Postfix SMTP relay. After much work to try to determine the issue, I discovered that the Postfix server was responding with 400 errors for domains that did not exist or for domains that didn’t even have MX records. I […]
