In Exchange 2013 the message tracking log viewer has gone, you need to view the tracking logs from PowerShell.
Here’s a basic command to make that happen:
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "04/26/2015" -End "04/28/2015" -Sender "" -Recipient "" | Out-GridView
Okay this shows you the logs from a particular sender to a particular recipient and shows it in the GridView, this is a nice GUI type view with nice size adjustable columns. Obviously more you can tweak on this with more arguments on the command line.
If you would like the see a column with the time and date included you need to run this command:
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Start "04/26/2015" -End "04/28/2015" -Sender "" -Recipient "" | select-object timestamp,EventId,Source,Sender,Recipients,MessageSubject| Out-GridView
To search across all the transport servers in your organisation, i.e. if you are trying to track down a particular message across many exchange servers run the following:
Get-TransportServer | Get-MessageTrackingLog -Sender "" -Recipients "" | sort-object Timestamp | select-object timestamp,eventid,source,sender,recipients,messagesubject | Out-GridView