Kemp Load Master – SAML via OKTA with KCD to Microsoft Exchange OWA (Outlook Web Access)

The Kemp Load Master allows for the configuration of authentication offloading to itself (from the Microsoft Exchange server supporting Kerberos) to allow for the Kemp Load Master to act as a sP (Service Provider) against an IdP (Identity Provider) for example OKTA. The use of SAML via OKTA allows for any SAML (and Kerberos KCD […]


Exchange 2010 – Can’t Delete Mailbox Database

While doing some housekeeping on an Exchange 2010 server, I needed to delete a mailbox database but couldn’t getting the error shown below: PROBLEM: The mailbox database ‘Mailbox Database 2 G-L’ cannot be deleted. Mailbox Database 2 G-L Failed Error:This mailbox database contains one or more mailboxes, mailbox plans, archive mailboxes, or arbitration mailboxes. To […]


Exchange 2010 Restoration fails with: ROP Error: 0x80070057 Error: MapiExceptionInvalidParameter: Unable to modify table.

A colleague had a problem when attempting a restore a mailbox, this error was generated: Error: MapiExceptionInvalidParameter: Unable to modify table. (hr=0x80070057, ec=-2147024809) Diagnostic context: Lid: 55847 EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc called [length=228] Lid: 43559 EMSMDBPOOL.EcPoolSessionDoRpc returned [ec=0x0][length=348][latency=15] Lid: 23226 — ROP Parse Start — Lid: 27962 ROP: ropModifyRules [65] Lid: 17082 ROP Error: 0x80070057 Lid: 27745 Lid: […]


Exchange 2013 – What does good mailflow look like?

You’ll probably find yourself using the message tracking logs to find if an email has gone missing. But what should a normal working mail transaction look like? Well below shows it, where the mailboxes are stored on the same server. EventId Source Sender Recipients MessageSubject NOTIFY STOREDRIVER {} RECEIVE STOREDRIVER {} Hello! SUBMIT STOREDRIVER […]


Microsoft Exchange 2013 Sending Junk to the User’s Outlook “Junk E-Mail” Folder

In Exchange 2013 you can set an email to be put in the user’s Junk E-Mail folder based on if you think it is SPAM or not. This doesn’t use the Exchange built in spam filtering, it assumes you have a spam filter external to your Exchange environment that can tag an email that it […]


Microsoft Exchange 2013 Automated PST Import Script

I needed to have an automated way to bulk import a load of PST files into Exchange 2013. In my case all the files were named as follows: so for example: You can run this command from an Exchange PowerShell console, bear in mind that you’ll need to change your domain name on […]


Exchange 2013 – Setup POP3 Service via CAS Servers

If you’re like us you still have old legacy applications that use POP3 for various things. On Exchange 2013 the way POP3 works has changed slightly. Now you access a POP3 mailbox via the CAS servers that proxy you to the mailbox on the Mailbox role server(s). Our application only supports plain text authentication, but […]


After Exchange 2013 Migration, old 2010 server is still listed as “provisioned server”

After a successful Exchange 2013 migration, the old exchange 2010 object was left behind. When opening Exchange 2013 EAC under the “Servers” option, “Servers” tab, you can see it listed as a “provisioned server”. For some reason this is not removed from AD automatically when Exchange 2010 is uninstalled from the server, so you need […]
