Nagios Monitor HTTPS SSL Certificate Expiry Downloaded the file and stuck it in: /usr/local/share/nagios/libexec Make it executable: Change the owner: Change the group: Rename it so I don’t need to stick the .pl on the end: Do a test run: Seems to be okay we see: “ 68 Days left” In the example below, that needs to be added to […]


Microsoft DPM 2007 (ID 998 Details: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (0x80072746))

PROBLEM: The operation failed because of a protection agent failure. (ID 998 Details: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host (0x80072746)) SYMPTOMS: Had this problem occouring when trying backup to tape. The majority of the tape backup jobs worked fine, then on two of the disks on two of the servers it […]


You do not have permission to send on behalf of the specified user when trying to send via Outlook 2003

The problem: You do not have permission to send on behalf of the specified user when trying to send via Outlook 2003. However all mailbox permissions are correct. Can’t send any messages, can recieve fine though, you may see an warning event log message on the exchange server each time the user tries to send. […]
