Seen this issue a few times even on the NimbleOS 5.x version, when joining the array to Active Directory for authentication, you get this error when performing via the GUI:
Message from Active Directory client service: Failed to join domain: Invalid configuration ("workgroup" set to '<yourdomain>', should be '<yourdomain>') and configuration modification was not requested
The only way i’ve found around this is to perform via the CLI on the Nimble, you should also pre-create the computer object in AD first to match:
userauth --join --domain_user <username> --computer_name MYNIMBLE-01 --netbios_name TURNIP
Great fix! One of ours puked and kept giving me the same message. Finally was able to find the above command and it resolved it. I’m guessing it’s a “feature” of HP’s latest firmware! lol
Thanks for this
Legend – that worked great”