Monitor Rx and Tx Errors on Extreme Networks Switches via SNMP Query (using NagiosXI)

Nagios and NagiosXI Networking

It is helpful to monitor the RxErrors and TxErrors on ports on Extreme Networks switches to get a heads up on any issues before they begin to impact service. The Extreme Networks MIB can be downloaded from the Extreme Networks support portal to assist you in finding the relevant SNMP OIDs, the below is an example of the NagiosXI check_snmp query needed to retrieve the TxErrors and RxErrors for a particular port, and apply thresholds which if breached will indicate warning or critical state.

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H -C public -o . -o . -l "TxErrors" -l "RxErrors" -w 5,5 -c 10,10

This provides an output such as:

[root@wtgc-nagios-01 libexec]# /usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_snmp -H -C public -o . -o . -l "txErrors" -l "rxErrors" -w 1,1 -c 10,10
SNMP OK - txErrors 0 rxErrors 0 | txErrors=0c;1;10; rxErrors=0c;1;10;

In this example the SNMP query checks port 49 for RxErrors or TxErrors if these counters exceed 5 then this service check shows a warning, if it exceeds 10 then it shows critical. Although in normal operation you shouldn’t have any RxErrors or TxErrors the odd one isn’t anything much to worry about, however if a port starts showing more than 10 then it would point to a fibre, port, transceiver issue that would need attention.

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