What a pain to have this happen, however once you’ve imported from PST you can run the following script from within Outlook 2010. In this example it changes the items in the “Calendar” folder under Outlook.
From the Outlook 2010 client do this:
- Press Alt+F11 which will open the VBA window.
- In the left pane, navigate to Project1-MS Outlook Object and double-click ‘ThisOutlookSession’.
- Paste the code into the window in the right pane.
- Press the green arrow button to execute the code.
Code to paste in:
Sub FixCopy()
Dim calendar As MAPIFolder
Dim calItem As Object
Set calendar = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Dim iItemsUpdated As Integer
Dim strTemp As String
iItemsUpdated = 0
For Each calItem In calendar.Items
If Mid(calItem.Subject, 1, 6) = "Copy: " Then
strTemp = Mid(calItem.Subject, 7, Len(calItem.Subject) - 6)
calItem.Subject = strTemp
iItemsUpdated = iItemsUpdated + 1
End If
Next calItem
MsgBox iItemsUpdated & " of " & calendar.Items.count & " Items Updated"
End Sub
This has been helped by the post: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/officeversion_other-outlook/importing-pst-outlook-calendars-subject-title-adds/c58ccd50-451d-4519-a1c9-f0d2491abba8